Leadership 4.0: Accelerated Transformation Blueprint (ATB): Solving Your Biggest Headache, Even A Migraine, In Ninety Days (Or Less)

by the  Runyan Management Group (1907556_740088849343622_746968759_n.jpg)

What is your company’s biggest headache? Is it of migraine proportions? Does it involve people? All problems, whatever business you are in, are essentially people problems. Runyan Management Group is in the business of solving people problems.

Whatever the individual problem, whether it is poor sales, lack of motivation, bad attitude, tardiness, or whatever…generally speaking, people do not change unless a change agent enters the scene.

The Accelerated Transformation Blueprint (ATB Masterclass) is a leadership development system combining elements of both civilian and military leadership training and  development programs. Developed by Duke Runyan, The Leadership Guru Guy, and a former Marine Officer, the ATB can change a Corporate  Culture in 30 days and create a Company of “Total Leaders” in 90 days, the “Ninety Day Wonder Project”. The Accelerated Transformation Blueprint is the “Change Agent from Hell”…

The ATB  Masterclass will permanently replace negative, tepid attitudes,  replacing them  with the attitude of a winner, an “I-will-not-be-denied!” attitude.

Around the end of the third week, ATB Masterclass participants experience a major attitudinal breakthrough , a series of “Aha!” moments, a euphoric feeling of positive expectancy, which many have even called an epiphany. This feeling is engendered by knowing, without doubt,  that you have unlimited potential and that your  wildest dreams can, and will, come true.

The ATB Masterclass  is like an insurance policy, guaranteeing the Uber Success of your organization.

The ATB Masterclass speeds up the process of change and accelerates growth by focusing on the three critical factors for spectacular life success.

  1. PositiveMental Attitude- A Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) has unlimited potential. Attitudes randomly gleaned from one’s environment are generally more negative, with finite limits.
  2. Goal Direction- A comprehensive set of goals in every area of life ensures a balanced, creative, and enthusiastic attitude.
  3.  Self-Motivation- When a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is mixed with Goal Direction, Self-Motivation is generated.

PMA + Goals = Self-Motivation=Massive Success

ATB Masterclass Results & Milestones

  1. Install New Attitude – Thirty Days
  2. Identify Goals- Three Months
  3. Develop Action Plan- One Year
  4. Execute the Plan- Lifetime

This new-found attitude of ‘positive expectancy’ is what puts the joy in living. It is a feeling of anticipation not unlike the ‘Night-Before-Christmas’-feeling you got as a child. It is an  awesome experience to truly know, without a doubt, that your wildest dreams WILL come true.

The Accelerated Transformation Blueprint Masterclass

The ATB Masterclass Program consists of five elements working synergistically together:

Module I. Weekly Group Development  Call- The “Lesson of the Week” will be delivered weekly, and repeated daily for that entire week, utilizing the awesome power of “spaced repetition” as a learning technique. Monthly enrollment fee: $497.

Module II. Weekly One-On-One Call with The Leadership Guru-Guy includes Module I plus Weekly One-On-One call. Monthly enrollment fee: $2,497

Module III. Monthly Mastermind Brainstorming call with the Leadership Guru Guy- Includes Modules I & II plus monthly brainstorming session with fellow CEOs, facilitated by the Leadership Guru Guy. Monthly enrollment fee: $4,997

Module IV. Monthly Mastermind Meeting with your Executive Team, facilitated by The Leadership Guru Guy. Includes Modules I, II,& III. Monthly enrollment fee: $9,997

ModuleV.Establish an In-House Leadership Campus for all hands. Includes Modules 1-IV. Monthly enrollment fee: $29,997

To receive the LeadershipGuruGuy Blog, register below:

Link to enroll in the ATB (Accelerated Transformation Blueprint):

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“Birdie Every Hole!”: How Goal Setting Can Turn Your Game Around (in Golf, Business, or Life)

Duke Runyan: The Leadership Guru Guy

by Duke Runyan, the Leadership Guru Guy

“Leadership is the ability to apply principles to real-life situations.” ~Gen George S. Patton

Back in 1986, at a rain-shortened edition of the now-defunct Pensacola Open, I met a young Golf Pro named Danny Briggs. Danny was faced with a similar situation as the golf tournament: he was certain to lose his Tour Card at the end of the season, no matter what he did from here on in.

Danny Briggs was about to lose his “Ticket To Ride”, his livelihood, at the end of the season. He was faced with the prospect of again having to go to “Q-School” a grueling process known among the Pros as… “The Fall Classic”, seven days of golf to determine if he had a job next year.

Briggs agreed to sit down and talk with me about “Mental Course Management”, an area of golf to which, I…

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My Fifty Years In Leadership Development

Now is the Time to Plan a Spectacular 2015!
Call and let’s brain-storm your goals: 850-232-2951

CEO University

By Duke Runyan, The Leadership Guru Guy

For over fifty years I have been studying and ‘practicing’ leadership. That’s what doctors  and lawyers call it. Practice sounds right, Doctors bury their mistakes, and the worst mistakes of Lawyers are executed; my worst mistakes might result in bankruptcy, but Leadership/Motivational Consultants have the power to save lives, families, and businesses.

My life experience has intentionally been quite broad and varied, starting with a BS in Finance, and the ‘Practice’ encompassing many industries and occupations. I read where the overly intelligent tend to get bored easily, so I understand why moving around to new and challenging projects has always been a priority for me.

My first experience with leadership was as the elected Student Body President of my high school. I went off to college with a bad taste in my mouth for ‘politics’ and commenced to major in ‘Partying 101’. I…

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We are either the masters or the victims of our attitudes. It’s a matter of personal choice — blessing or curse.   ~Paul J. Meyer, Founder Success Motivation Institute, Inc. & Leadership Management International, Inc.

What Is An Attitude?

Your attitude is the only thing on the planet, over which, you have total control! But just what is an attitude, anyway? The dictionary says that an attitude is your manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind. An attitude then is an opinion, or the way one predictably reacts to a given situation. An attitude is a habit, a habit of thought. If you know someone’s attitude about something, they are almost totally predictable in that area.

How Are Attitudes Acquired?

We are conditioned beings. Whatever we are repetitiously exposed to, determines our attitudes about life: our family, our schools, television, movies, school, church. friends, and so on. With so many choices and people packing our heads about so many things, how is one to know what lessons to believe as reliable guideposts to success on the highway of life?

How Important Are Attitudes?

Your Attitude determines your Altitude, just ask any pilot. Studies consistently show that a positive attitude, combined with goal setting, is a major key to success in life.  Most people are conditioned by life to have a negative attitude. They are pessimistic by nature because they have experienced mostly negative results and feedback in life. People tend to live up to, or down to, the expectations placed upon them.

A positive attitude with a goal attached is placing an expectation on yourself. Just as negative attitudes are formed by repetitious exposure to negative ideas (the average child is exposed to more than 10,000 murders on TV and in the movies by the time they are grown), they can be changed the same way, by repetitious exposure to positive ideas such as the fact that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 in his search for the filament for the electric light bulb, and yet he persevered until he was successful. Now THAT is a positive attitude. His belief was that every failure brought him one step closer to success.

Repetitious exposure to inspirational experiences of real people can, over time, reverse a negative attitude. The fact that Henry Ford was bankrupt several times and that Abraham Lincoln lost 17 elections before he was elected President,serve to inspire others to overcome their own particular obstacles to achieving their dreams.

If a person does not have a positive outlook on life, he or she will miss out on most opportunities that come their way, out of fear of failure. A negative attitude produces a half-hearted effort, at best, which inevitably ends in failure. A  positive attitude welcomes failure as a learning experience, knowing that he who fails the most, learns the most, and must ultimately succeed!

Embrace failure. Make “Fail Early and Often” your mantra. And, as Winston Churchill admonished the British people during the height of the London Blitz,




When he was just six years old, Ron Tucker started working with his father, a home builder, and now at 76, he is still hard at it. That is a seventy-year career..so far!In those past seventy years he has accomplished more than almost any seventy other people combined.

Because his job as a youngster was to mix the mortar and carry it to the bricklayers, usually up a ladder, he became incredibly strong. He began running crews for his Dad when he was 12 and took over the company at 18 when his beloved father died from a heart attack.

While in High School, because of his unusual strength, speed and agility, Ron played quarterback and linebacker for the Plant City  High School of 260 students. The team once played a neighboring team in Florida with a student body of 14,000 students. The game was halted with the score 62-0 and the Plant City boys had to leave town with a police escort to avoid an enraged citizenry.

Ron went on to play for the University of Miami, one of 17 scholarship offers he received. He chose Miami because of their Art Department (he later became a celebrated artist with works hanging in every state and many foreign countries).

When Tucker suffered a career-ending injury, breaking both knees by running into a brick wall attempting to catch a pass, he was told he would never walk again. As is his habit, he proved the “experts” wrong and eventually was even able to join the Air Force, planning on becoming a B-52 bombardier. President Kennedy had other ideas and selected young Tucker to become one of the first 25 members of the Delta Force, later known as the Green Berets.

Tucker was selected as an original Delta Force member partly because, being half Cherokee Indian, he had incredible knife-throwing skills. On one Top-Secret covert mission behind the lines in Indochina, he was forced to make a fateful decision: his partner stepped on a land-mine and had his leg blown off. Protocol dictated that he must kill his partner rather than let him fall into enemy hands for torture and interrogation. Ron Tucker made the decision to get his partner to safety, carrying him 17 miles at a dead run, thus saving his life. Tucker lost 45 pounds in the process.

From his early experience as a home builder, Tucker learned that most builders “didn’t know squat” about finance, so he decided to become a finance specialist. He eventually attained a PhD in Business from The Florida Research Institute in Melbourne. His entire class of 25  PhDs were trained for the explicit purpose of being financial advisors to the Astronauts.

Tucker later was able to obtain the first $100 million loan for Walt Disney to fund Disney World and, was instrumental in acquiring the surrounding acreage for the project. He eventually, over a 52 year period, was able to turn around over 5,000 ailing companies. He took over ownership of 200 of them and managed them to a successful conclusion, in order to save them from bankruptcy. None of his lenders ever lost a dime, as was his pledge to them. In the process of helping others, Dr. Ron Tucker became a very wealthy man.

Over the years Dr Ron Tucker, or “Dr. Ron” as he is known by his friends and associates, has had eight heart attacks, cancer, and diabetes. So far, he has beat them all, as is his custom. Now, at the ripe old age of 76, he is putting together a team to carry on his work.

His company, Feasible Concepts, Inc, (founded in 1986) has been in the business of doing feasibility studies, business plans, consulting, and finance.Tucker is now adding Incubator/Accelerator to the mix, with Leadership Development, Crowdfunding, and Internet Marketing components under development. The Vision is to enable a client to virtually walk in the front door with an idea, and walk out the back door with a business plan, a team, and funding. On-going consulting, mentoring, and strategic partnering will be part of the plan.


Each Enterprise selected will benefit from the Strategic Development Process innovated by Leadership Management, Inc.(LMI).

The LMI Process (http://www.lmi-world.com) includes four phases:

1)Strategic Analysis- A “snapshot” of the business or Startup at present. Analysis of

the business model, problems, attitudes, ideas, and resources of all stakeholders: owners, management, employees, and customers.

2)Strategic Planning- Goal setting, Mission Statement, Vision Statement, business plan, exit strategy, etc.

3) Executive and Employee Development-Implement a transformational leadership development program for all hands, from the mail room to the Board Room. Develop improved motivation, creativity, team work, communication, decision making, management, sales and sales management.

4)Results Management- On-going mentoring, consulting and partnering, long term relationship.



Feasible Concepts, Inc. is adding a Crowdfunding component, using several successful platforms now available now that the JOBS Act has been implemented. Top candidates for funding campaigns are: RealtyMogul.com, EquityNet.com, and Avenue506.com.



A Social Media Marketing component is now where the “Rubber Meets the Road”. Inbound Marketing is the new Paradigm.”Cold Calling is Dead” is the new mantra. Our top three candidates for Strategic Partnership would be: Hubspot, Salesforce, and Outbound Excellence.


FCI’s Initial Startup Project:

The company’s first Startup is “Victory Garden Village”, a  shovel-ready residential community development  targeting  Young Couples/Single Parent & Baby Boomer/Empty Nesters. This complementary mix of markets is designed to meet the needs of the coming “Post-Petro-Dollar” World. The project is designed for home buyers and business people who want an affordable, secure living environment on the beautiful Emerald Coast of Florida. In addition, there is a substantial business opportunity attached to this project for the Entrepreneur-minded individual or company.

According to the American Association of Retired Persons in Washington, between now and 2029 the nation’s baby boomers will hit age 65 at the rate of 8,000 a day. This expanding older population is a boon to marketers that serve their needs, such as “Victory Garden Village”.

Thomas Coba, President of ServiceMaster Clean and Merry Maids, stated this about baby boomers: “These are people who have saved their money and feel entitled to treat themselves to more services.”

But baby boomers are also the generation caring for aging parents and Mr. Coba says many are contacting Merry Maids franchisees to clean their parents homes. In-home care franchisees are attracting baby boomers as clients and as franchisees.

Ed Teixeira, President of Franchise Know How,, and author of the “Home Care Franchise Industry Update 2013”, says companion and homemaker care for seniors is one of the fastest growing segments of the franchise industry. He attributes the growth to expanding demand and the low cost of entry.

In their report, “Top Senior Care Franchises”, market research firm Franchise Business Review, says the median initial investment to open a single senior care franchise is $101,900 and franchisees earn an average income of $95,264, compared with $79,684 for all franchisees.

Jim Brown, vice president of franchise development for Comfort Keepers, says most of his company’s 360 franchisees are baby boomers who were drawn to the industry, not for financial reasons, but “because their lives were tested personally, by having to deal with their own elderly parents or grandparents.”

Donna Hafler, of Pittsford, N.Y., for example, had been working in a bank when the retiring owner of the local Comfort Keepers franchise offered to sell it to her. “My husband and I had been struggling to find good care for our own parents”. Ms. Hafler says, “and were seeking new careers.” They purchased the franchise in 2011.

Another service franchise retooled itself after discovering the senior market.  HandyPro started  as a handyman franchise, but franchisees started getting calls from seniors who wanted help retrofitting their homes.  The company now has a tagline, HandyPro-Senior Modifications & Handyman Services. Franchisees still perform handyman chores, but most now specialize in helping older adults.

FEASIBLE CONCEPTS, INC is seeking to partner with builders, investors, and contractors in the home building business. We are building a team to include quality practitioners of every aspect of home construction and real estate. Selected investors can become a home builder by partnering with our team.

The site is a terrific “Location, Location, Location” on the Emerald Coast of Florida. “Victory Garden Village” offers an affordable amenity package to include: a fully stocked fish pond, vegetable garden, and boat ramp. With a golf course and schools five minutes away, it is twenty minutes from hospitals, beaches, and shopping.

The Vision for “Victory Garden Village” is to establish a “Village” in each of three markets: 1) Beach Towns 2) College towns, and 3) Chain of Fly-in Residential Developments,( every 21/2 hours of flying time, form Florida, to Canada, to California, and back to Florida).

Entry into the business is much more affordable than most franchises. An initial cost of as little as $50,000 includes:  10 building lot allocation @$17K; construction/perm financing in place;  average home will be 1,000-1,500 sq ft ; priced from $100K-125K. 100% Buyer financing in place. Full training by Master builder Dr. Ron Tucker is available for partners. All homes pre-sold before construction begins.

Interested parties please message: ron.tucker@mchsi.com or call:850-623-5999

SALES MANAGEMENT 101: Sales Management for Dummies!

How do you motivate and develop a sales team? The short answer is, “You develop a winning team, one team member at a time!”
The members of your team are individuals; and, their personal ambitions, problems, fears, needs ,and desires, must be individually taken into account. In order to get the COMPANY RIGHT, we must ,first, get the PEOPLE RIGHT!”
Effective Leadership is getting people to do what YOU want them to do, because THEY WANT to do it. Effective Leadership is thus influence. Effective Leadership is the best kind of positive influencing; it is an art: influence…without intimidation and, frequently, not even a reward.
Goal Setting is the backbone, or heart, of Effective Leadership. Show your team that, by helping the company obtain the outcome IT wants, the Team will get the outcome that THEY want.
The beginning of exemplary teambuilding is realizing, and internalizing, the difference between the words “cooperation” and “collaboration”:
Cooperation is working together agreeably; Collaboration is working together aggressively.

3-Step Program To Develop A Team of Sales Super-Stars:
Step #1) Establish a comprehensive Program of Self Improvement through Personal Goal Setting (FOR ALL HANDS). Goals supply the “go power” in motivation. The Dictionary says that Motivation is the “reason anyone does any thing”. The two root words of the word Motivation are: “Motive” and “Action” (the MOTIVE, or goal, provides the needed desire; but nothing ever actually happens without ACTION). So then, motivation is goal-driven action; and, once an individual becomes truly goal-directed, it is like “bolting their accelerator to the floor”.
Step #2) Establish a comprehensive Program of Effective Sales Training (FOR ALL HANDS). This will give your “newly-motivated” Team a track to run on. The program should include the eight major methods of prospecting: (including Social Media), making effective presentations, increasing closing averages, and overcoming stalls and objections. Question: When you double your prospects interviewed …and, double your closing average… do your sales double…or quadruple?
The secret of closing the sale is really simple, and I will share it here. Ask a closing question which offers a choice of two answers, either one of which, signifies an affirmative conclusion. In other words, they can only be answered “yes”! The simplest example would be “cash or charge?”; or, “Would you like delivery today, or tomorrow?” That one secret will raise a closing average, and will make it easier to train “newbies” !
There are also Principles for Handling Stalls-and-Objections, and Principles of Decision-Making, which have an impact on sales. Sales has been described as “making a decision for someone, with which they agree”. In other words, Effective Sales is very much like Effective Leadership! And an enthusiastic sales person will not need to handle stalls and objections, because genuine enthusiasm, which cannot be faked, will generally blow away the objections.
Step #3) Establish a comprehensive Program of Time Management Training (FOR ALL HANDS). When your team members learn to work by priorities, they get more done in less time.
Once the entire team buys in and sets goals of: talking to more prospects, making more presentations, increasing closing averages, becoming better at overcoming stalls & objection, and following-up like a bulldog…SALES TEND TO IMPROVE!
When ALL 3 STEPS OF THIS PLAN are installed in a business simultaneously (especially in conjunction with a Social Media Campaign), sales TEND TO EXPLODE! For one thing, because your average sales person is likely operating at about 15-20% of his or her capacity, there is a lot of unused potential into which one might tap. Once the team members begin to realize what under-achievers they have been in the past, and begin to Self-Actualize, they typically are quite excited about their newly-discovered possibilities. For me personally, it was like coming up for air, from a long time under water… an epiphany, if you will. The new-found skills and enthusiasm tend to blast obstacles away that previously seemed insurmountable.
Enthusiasm is the magic elixir of sales. The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek root word, Theos, meaning “God ”. The Greeks used the word “entheos” or “God within” to describe someone who acted as if they had a God living inside of them which made them act really weird. We now know that, with proper development, anyone can become enthusiastic. Without it, one cannot reach into the Upper Stratosphere of Success!
Duke Runyan is theLeadership Guru Guy on Linkedin.com: http://www.linkedin.com/in/leadershipguruguy
THE LEADERSHIP GURU GUY: In the Business of Creating Winners! A Winner is, by definition, a Leader.
If you knew that your Team was operating at about 15-20% of their capacity, wouldn’t you want to address the problem of untapped potential , before anything else? That next website overhaul is a lot less important than overhauling your Team. Once “The Team” is overhauled they are self-sustaining. You don’t need to continuously re-invent your people as you would a website. Once your people are overhauled, they will be re-inventing YOU. Once you have your people right, you can then much more easily get the company right.

3-Step Program to Build Your Team of Sales Superstars-
Step #1) Break your success barriers by tapping into unused potential, through goal setting.
Step #2) Add a healthy dose of effective sales training, and polish it off with,
Step #3) Managing your time to your high-payoff activities ;
Improve YOUR bottom line, overall, by 100%, 200%, 300%…or who knows how high…depending on how much potential is currently being left on the table.
Set a time for a FREE introductory Conversation: what are your people problems? What outcomes are you seeking? Is your team maximizing its potential? We can help! The Leadership Guru Guy’s Mentor, Paul J. Meyer, trained over 800-Million Dollar Round Table members. He is the founder of LMI International, a leading global leadership academy.
Call in a Sales Management ‘hired gun’ : “Have Program, Will Travel” http://www.leadershipguruguy@gmail.com


Is Effective Leadership an Art, or a Skill? Is it inborn, or learned? If, it IS learned…can ANYBODY learn it? If anybody can learn it…just what is it? A leader is, by definition, someone who is ahead of everybody else. They are winners; they are Champions. Leaders don’t happen by accident; they are made, not born.
These questions have puzzled mankind since the Cave Man Days:
“Just what does constitute effective leadership?”
The Cave man used a club. That was effective for a while…until the next guy brought a spear to the table. The Donkey chased the carrot. That was effective for a while…until the same scam was pulled on a man. So, what IS the State of the Art of Human Motivation and Leadership?
A wise man once said, “Leadership is the Art of influencing someone to do what you want them to do, because they WANT TO DO IT!”
In a word, as John Maxwell said, “Leadership is influence.” Actually, not all influence is effective influence. Effective influence is not fear, or intimidation. Effective influence is not based on deception, or bribery. Effective influence is based on Trust, and Desire.
The Art of Effective Leadership is personal power or, personal leadership (as opposed to agency power, derived from one’s position). Personal Leadership is a learned trait (or set of traits), ones which can only be acquired by doing. One practices leadership, just as a Lawyer practices law, or a Doctor practices medicine. You don’t learn leadership from a book. You learn principles of leadership from a book but,
“Leadership is the ability to apply principles to real-life situations.”
~Gen. George S. Patton, one of the greatest leaders of all time.
Leadership is an Art. It evolves slowly, first becoming a skill…and morphs into an art form (after the requisite 10,000 hours of arduous effort)… the butterfly emerges from the caccoon. Just as in art, no one starts out being a great artist, also, in leadership, no one starts out being a great leader.
Leadership is a personal choice which everyone must make…lead, or follow. A wise man once said, “If you want to be a leader, find a parade and get in front of it!”
If you have the desire to be an effective leader, you must start somewhere…so start where you are. You must start some time…so start now. At least make a decision to be the leader, even a bad one , at first… just start, knowing that you will improve. Set goals. Begin the development and growth process to maximize your powers. Exercise them. Study them. Become the Total Leader: Artist and Architect of Your Destiny!

BUCKET LIST 101: Goal Setting for Dummies!


In the movie “Groundhog Day,” Bill Murray’s character eventually has a happy ending because he learned from his mistakes. He was able to keep repeating his actions until he got it right.

Real life is much like that. One can actually keep-on-keeping-on until success is ultimately achieved. In fact, persistence is the most important characteristic for success. In real life, however, there are ways to “get it right” without being stuck in a time warp. One method that has helped many people to achieve really interesting, exciting, and successful lives, is the “Bucket List”, which is nothing more than a “Lifetime To Do List”.

It was over 40 years ago, that my stockbroker buddy recommended a program, “The Dynamics of Personal Leadership”, written by Paul J. Meyer and Distributed by Success Motivation Institute, Inc. My friend knew that I was very depressed over losing my girlfriend  and, having screwed up just about everything I had attempted up to that point in my life, I was actually beginning to think that I might be “Born to Lose.” The thought of suicide had even enter my mind, only to be banished immediately with the thought, “Hell, I made it through the Marine Corps and it was far worse than this!” Of course, most people don’t have that frame of reference and so I can see how that feeling of hopelessness could overwhelm someone without such a background. It is my hope that this story might help someone weather such a storm in their life.

In three short weeks of daily exposure to the positive message of the lessons, I came to realize, without a doubt, that there is no such thing as “Born to Lose”.  I learned that my problems stemmed from my many bad habits: drinking, smoking, over-eating, procrastinating, etc. In fact, all the famous people in history, whose stories were included in the program, failed many, many times and yet persevered to ultimate success in their chosen fields

I knew then without a doubt, that I was OK after all, and could achieve anything I set my mind to. Two years later, I was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia., This was evidence of a rather abrupt change of my attitude. Although I did not win the race, in fact, I lost rather badly, just being on the ballot and doing the television interviews etc. was a success to me, and, after all, I am the only judge.

This was the beginning of my “Bucket List” of more than 100 goals. As I learned in the leadership development program, anyone who is serious about success must be working on at least 100 goals or run the risk of seriously under-achieving in their life.

Over the last 40 years, I have done such things as:

appeared on the “Dukes of Hazzard” TV show; produced and hosted several cable TV talk shows; hitch-hiked across the U.S.; spent three weeks in Paris; lived in a log cabin; was a freelance writer in Atlanta and L.A.; produced a concert for charity; published a newspaper; hopped a freight train from Indigo, Calif. to Phoenix; jumped off a 40-foot cliff into a Colorado river; interviewed Jimmy Carter; became licensed in insurance, securities, real estate and mortgage brokerage; learned to play the guitar; played a draw chess game with a chess master; owned a sports car, motorcycle, sailboat, sports fisherman, a house, and a motor home; shot par in golf; raised the money for the movie “Sharkman”; lost 30 pounds; quit smoking cigarettes; broke a drinking habit; ran-the-table at pool; managed a bar and restaurant complex in Key West; played 1,000 games of chess online in 15 months;  and bought a Success Motivation Institute franchise.

Part of my inspiration was the story in the program about a 15-year-old boy named John Goddard, who in 1939 wrote down 127 things to do in his life. By the time he was in his 40s he had already accomplished about 100 of them. His goals were quite varied. Among them: type 50 words per minute, become an Eagle Scout, visit every country in the world, milk a rattlesnake (yes, he got bitten), climb Mt. Everest, and read the entire encyclopedia. And according to a recent article in Men’s Journal, he led the first expedition down the entire 4,160-mile length of the Nile River.

Goddard says he made his list because he heard so many old people going on and on about all their regrets over unfulfilled dreams. He vowed to never have those regrets. Now in his 80s, Goddard has expanded his original list to 600 items, accomplishing 530, so far.
He tells Men’s Journal that people often ask if he ever just relaxes and has fun, but Goddard says he’s thankful for having a blueprint, “They don’t realize that nothing is more fun than having these adventures”.

In my case, if it were not for the Life List and the training from the leadership program, I’m quite sure I would not be alive today. The excessive drinking, smoking and eating would probably have done me in. Fortunately, the program helped me internalize strategies for effectively modifying habits by substituting good habits for bad and substituting a positive attitude for a negative, defeatist one.

The essence of the program is summed up by this quote from Paul J. Meyer, the author and founder of Success Motivation Institute:

     “Whatever you vividly imagine,

ardently desire,

sincerely believe,

and enthusiastically act upon,

must inevitably come to pass.”

You can gradually overcome the three big de-motivators of life: Fear, doubt and worry. If you “know” you will eventually succeed, it does not make much sense to quit.

Leadership Management International, Inc.(LMI), (http://www.lmi-world.com )a 50+ year-old Management Consulting Franchise Company doing business in 60 countries and 23 languages. In 2004 Entrepreneur Magazine named LMI “Management Consulting Franchise of the Year”.

Our Product is Success! Our motto is “Motivating People To Their Full Potential!”

Paul J. Meyer, Founder of Leadership Management International, Inc., is one of the most widely acclaimed and widely read authors of all time in the field of personal development. There are over 50 million copies of his works in print and recordings. His programs are published in more than 60 countries and in 23 different languages. His many works on motivation and success techniques have helped hundreds of thousands of people around the globe find greater happiness and develop a more abundant life.

Through SMI programs, Meyer shares the principles and concepts that make success available to every individual. The Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting is a complete learning program, developed by Mr. Meyer.

The Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting program is his message to you that your goals can be achieved. He has proven it possible and knows that what he has done, you, too, can do. This program can help use your unlimited potential to design your own personal goals for success.

This program is designed to give you a constant sense of goal-awareness, and to help you develop the habits as well as the attitudes of constructive actions. The Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting program is uniquely designed to give direction to your dreams.

The Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting program has been designed to allow busy people to absorb and use the program contents quickly. The lessons are recorded on CDs for easy listening and quick review. You can listen as you commute, as you dress or prepare for work, as you relax at home, or during time you reserve at work. You can listen at any time when your hands are busy, but your mind is not.

The multi-sensory impact approach of the program is designed to help individuals absorb the training by using three basic senses: sight, sound and touch. It makes use of the visual sense through study and reading the printed text. By listening to the audio cassettes, the sense of hearing is utilized. And the sense of touch is brought into play as you respond to the various actions steps suggested at the end of each lesson. The more senses involved in the learning experience, the greater our ability to assimilate and remember.

Spaced repetition is the key to learning. Just as you did not learn the ABC’s the first time you heard them, it takes time and repetition for the mind to accept and embrace any new idea or concept. By utilizing the same techniques that advertisers use to establish brand name recognition, you will absorb the information from each lesson. Ideas that did not seem particularly applicable the first time you heard them may be the exact information you need to deal with a current situation.

An important part of the multisensory impact of the program is provided by Plan of Action materials for each lesson. These materials will help you apply the concepts of the lessons to you own situation and develop your own unique plan for the achievement of personal goals.

THE DYNAMICS OF PERSONAL GOAL SETTING-A ten-week Transformational Leadership Development Program
By Paul J. Meyer

Setting and Achieving Your Personal Goals
Attaining the success you want in life, in every area of life, requires more than mere daydreaming, more than vague desire. It even requires more than hard work. Goal setting is essential to success – and a self-motivated person is always working toward a program of personal goals.

Set Your Imagination Free
Imagination builds a tremendous desire for attainment and accomplishment by showing you, before the event takes place, the results of actions you can take to improve your position in life. Imagination creates a visualized goal, and you are as great as the vision you hold of yourself.

Potential Unlimited
Anything you can imagine, visualize, and sincerely desire can be yours if you plan for it and work for it through a practical program of goal setting. The unlimited potential you already possess is a part of the abundance the world offers to everyone reaching for it.

Courage To Set and Achieve Goals
It takes courage to dream, to use your imagination and your creative power. Without courage to face yourself, all your dreams fade into meaningless fantasies, and nothing ever comes of them. The courage to start, to risk, and to establish values are key in achieving your goals.

Five Keys to Success Through Goal Setting
Success does not come by accident; you can’t buy it, inherit it, or even marry into it. Success depends on following a lifelong process of goal setting and achievement. The five steps of the Million Dollar Personal Success Plan will work for you.

Giving Direction to Your Dreams
Once you have decided for yourself what is foremost in importance, you can determine easily where you want to go, which goals to pursue and in what order. Establishing clear personal priorities allows you to plan for the future in a logical, reasonable and organized way.

Self-Motivation and Goal Direction
The process of becoming goal directed involves developing the habit of self-motivation. If you are to achieve your chosen objectives, you must develop self-motivation. When you are both self-motivated and goal directed, you better understand yourself and others.

Visualization/The Dream Machine
A useful technique for focusing your creative powers on your goals is the practice of visualization – the force that operates your dream machine. The creative mental power of visualization is a valuable tool for supporting the hard work you do to achieve your goals.

The Power of Affirmation
The tool that can change your thinking, your attitudes, and finally your behavior, is affirmation. Affirmation is merely a positive declaration of something you believe to be true or something you expect to be true – truth you believe and desire to live by.

Planning Your Life With Positive Expectancy
You control your own destiny. When you take control of who you are, you find that it quickly becomes less possible for others to control or limit your actions. Expectations exert a powerful influence on attitudes and actions. You can consciously choose the self-fulfilling prophecies, the expectations, that govern your life.


1)Unleash Your Unlimited Creative Potential

2)Develop a Blueprint for Your Life

3)Set Off that TNT Inside of YOU

4)Bolt Your Accelerator To the Floor

5)Dream Big and Achieve Your Wildest Dreams

6)A Proven Track To Run On

7)Become a Fearless Decision-maker!

Why wait? NOW is always the best time to do ANYTHING.

Make the Decision to Change Your Life Today!Now is the time to develop the next generation of leaders, starting with yourself and your team! Email me if you want to explode your productivity, or turn your company around, or simply expand your “Bucket List”.

Henry Ford said that an investment in yourself is the best investment you can make!

If you can make a firm swift decision, Email me for the FREE INTRODUCTORY GOAL SETTING SESSION: leadershipguruguy@gmail.com

Whatever you do, DO SOMETHING…you will not regret it…EVER!